Setting up your email account
The details required for connecting your email app / client are always the same, but the screens or language used often depends on the app you’re using. Apps are updated often and these guides will not always keep up with those changes. Here are the bits you’ll always need:
Incoming / IMAP / Receiving:
Username: Your full email address
Password: Your email password
Port: 993
Connection type: SSL or TLS or SSL/TLS
If you don't have an SSL or TLS or SSL/TLS option try STARTTLS and port 143.
Outgoing / SMTP / Sending:
Username: Your full email address
Password: Your email password
Port: 465
Secure connection? Yes
Connection type: SSL or TLS or SSL/TLS
If you don't have an SSL or TLS or SSL/TLS option try STARTTLS and port 587.