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Eleven reasons to choose PagePlay

  1. It's so easy. From working with our customers for years, we've been delighted to find that anyone can do it.

  2. You're never on your own. Even though PagePlay is very easy to use, you'll have support from us.

  3. It's unlimited. We believe you should have freedom in editing your site, so with PagePlay you can add unlimited pages and content.

  4. We take care of hosting. You can rest assured that your site is in good hands because your subscription includes quality hosting.

  5. You can share the task easily. You might want others to help keep your site up-to-date. You can add multiple editors with PagePlay and it's so easy that there's no need for training.

  6. Email service included. You get professional email addresses on your own domain. A secure and reliable service with support from us if you need it.

  7. It's constantly improving. Your site is not alone, we're always making refinements to improve performance. And you can get new bolt-ons when they come out. With PagePlay, your site is always getting better.

  8. It meets accessibility standards. PagePlay sites meet strict standards to work on multiple devices and for people with sight impairments. We're proud that it's truly accessible.

  9. Search engines love it. We've coded PagePlay well. Our customers get great results because their sites are so search engine friendly.

  10. Pages print properly. All PagePlay sites have print style sheets, meaning your content will look good on paper.

  11. We help small charities. Any charity with less than £50k revenue can get 50% off their PagePlay subscription.